lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018

Teaching with Technology. Seminar 5

The technology that improve our teaching is the one students use to create knowlegde for an authentic audience, no only for the teacher. Creative a website, for example, can be showed for many people, no just the teacher.

First of all, the class started talking about our experience in the school we are attending, more specifically what we have seen about technology in the classrooms. We conclude that technology can make our practice stronger when we use it to connect the school with the comunity or viceversa. For instance, we can skyping an expert to talk to students.

After that, we as podcast producer evaluated the podcast done in the session before. We listened about Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King, Jefferson memorial, Washington Monument, George Mason, among others.

We check a rubric to assess the outcomes and we analized regarding the DEAPR (Design, Encode, Assembly, Publish, Revise), ACTS (Authentic, Clear outcome, Thinking, Skills), ABCS (Authentic activity, Background Building Activities, Constructing Activities, Sharing Activities). We identified our goals as students and teachers goals.

Finally we received a new project to work on. We are going to make a documentary film of 2-4 minutes , which will show a public issue we care about. For that task, we watched a video with the steps to have a good outcome. In this opportunity I am going to work with Miriam, Vyktoryia and Trust about Fast food in US.

1 comentario:

  1. You're right, it's important to make sure we are using technology with a purpose in mind. Often times we aren't making connections with the technology that we use in our classroom and our students aren't learning from it. When we make connections to the community and world they grow in their learning.

    I heard your podcast and I thought it was great. Using the DEAPR process, AeCTS and ABCs are very helpful in designing for our classrooms. I hope you can find a great use for podcasts in your classroom.
