viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018

ESL Research, methods and strategies. Seminar 3

We started with a warm up activity called A to Z race. In groups we think about objects that can be taken to a holidays or vacation. The name of the object should start with the letter of the alphabet. It was a nice game tolearn vocabulary.

"Vocabulary is learned form the context"

We talked about tier words and we played with opposite cards, looking for a person who has the contrary picture. After we found her/him we said the  words in our languages and define it in English.

After that we played Mismatch card. We received two pieces of paper. In the blue one we wrote a noun and in the yellow one the definition of that word. I wrote Country: The territories in which a continent is divided. We handed in to the teacher and then we chose a pair of pieces randomly. We read aloud the noun and the wrong definition and then figure out who had our correct definition. Mine was Daughter: A girl that a woman gives birth.

Later we played with Picture People ... In group of four we represented an emotion, a verb and a preposition and the rest of the audience guested.

Tier 1 words are simple words that we use everyday.

Tier 2 words are more sophisticated for instance Ecstatic (really excited).

For this second group of words we can use in our classrooms activities such as Semantic Gradient, friendly definitions, creating stories to picture the word and using examples and non-examples of the word.

We finished the class reflecting about what we learned, why is important and why we would like to do with it now

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