martes, 20 de febrero de 2018

Second week in Oakton

Class: Psychology
Teacher: Butterfield

This is a new subject for me. Students are taught in topics such as: Learning, memory, Thinking and intelligence, Stress and coping, stress test, Ways to improve memory, defense mechanism , psychoanalitic theory, Developmenyal psychology, pshycological disorders (sleep disorders).

Today they had a quiz, but before this, the teacher make a short review using Kahoo with 15 questions about Freud, personality, mechanism of defense. Students were in pairs, join with the PIN of the quiz and answered quickly the questions. The ones who got more points won +1 for the quiz score.

Then studensts had an independent work, anwsering questions in a workshop using a enciclopedia for a while. After that teacher went over and lecture about sleep disorder, showing some videos en Youtube about narcolepsy- cataplexy.

Mrs. Butterfield explained me she has all her lessons in blackboard, so students have access to the information all the time.

The county has set some guidelines for this subject and the teacher is felxible with the topics.

Mrs. Butterfield manages differenciation in the classroom  in a different way. She considers all the students can do the tasks and she fosters everybody to do it, but if some studenst needs more time to do an activity she gives extra time. She gives the confidence to the students to talk to her about things are uncomfortable for them in the class.

On the other hand, many students don't feel well in Oakton. They feel under pressure all the time because of the First position they are. In spite of this, many of them are part of religious groups after class, such us Muslim club, Black people club, and others.

Sports are a strength of the school, they have basketball and soccer teams for females or males. 

Class: English 2
Teacher: Dr. Cruz

The class started with a Reading. First, they read the cover (image). It was about Batteries, and then teacher read aloud the whole teaxt and students read one paragraph each one. Then teacher showed in the Document camera  a wrong sentence and students observe it in detail and see what is wrong andg  For example: The word order, spelling, etc.

Later, guided reading. Students read some texts and answered comprehension questions. At the beginning the teacher helped them to answer, then ask them to do it by themselves.
After that students work on spelling workshop and they filled in the blanks together with the teacher's guidance. Later they had another text to read and answer some comprehension questions and grammar issues as well.

Writing task: students complete sentences in a  Compare /contrast paragraph frame form given by the teacher.

My presentation
I had a presentation about my country Colombia with students of English Level 4 and Creating writing. It was very meaningful for me, showed a different face of my country, fighting against the steretypes people have about it. I could connect my presentation with the curriculum of the class. They were making a project in Gobal Citizenship about Single stories and stereotypes.

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