miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2018

Oakton High school. Third day

Class Spanish 4 

The class started with a Happy valentine's day messages and sharing some mexican candies. Then students had a short vocabulary test.

Teacher has on the board the agenda of the day:
1. Short vocabulary test
2. Sketches
3. Talk: our relatives/ ancestors
4. Grammar in the notebooks: The pronouns of the objects
5. Practice with the pronouns

What caught my attention is that teacher experience some same situations I have in my English class heheheh. Students usually speak in their mother tongue and when we teacher as them to do in the target language they feel ashamed, nervous and sometimes frustrated  Teacher speaks slowly and sometimes we don't use the most accurate words in the language you learned but they make sense and can be understood.

Students presented the sketches using commands, using second person in singular and plural and playing the members of the family, also they should include a negative command and a reflexive verb.

Teacher introduced the lesson about ancestor. Students should think about their own ancestors and write impotant facts about them.
This activity will continue next class. Students will write a letter for the relative they want.

When teacher asked for volunteers to present their task , noboby answered and she said:

"If there are not volunteers, there will be victims"

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