viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

Friday in Oakton!

English 9-10
Teacher: Mrs. Raad
Classroom 226
Global citizen project

Students chose a topic related to Saving the Earth for instance Air pollution, endangered animals, solar energy, among others. They read at least three different sources and summarize the information. Then the ESOL gave them a pattern of a text that summarized the information, with quoates, links, bibliography, indent and tab, in general some requirements (font, size, highlight, etc) and students should do the same in google docs with his own information.

With these projects students learn how to type a document, how to edit it and how to quote sources


ESL Students can get graduate up 22 years. When they come here they just receive ESOL subjects (government, Math, biology, English language development, creative writing, literacy essencial).
The requirements class should be repeated if they fail, until 22 years old, if they don't pass high school they can complete a course and make a test to get diploma and to go into college.
If don't get it, school let them go without a high school diploma

Usually American students get graduate  around 18 years old.

Recommended Mrs Raad room 226
11:20 am
Routine activities
Students read a book, select a word and make a sentence each day. They complete a worksheet, which has 5 blanks, one for each day of the weak. At the end of the week if they have the five correct sentences they get extra points. Students write the sentence of the day on the board and all the students correct it.
Then students went to have lunch for 30 minutes. When they came back, teacher asked them to read independent for 5 minutes. When the timer is over, students read aloud one by one to correct pronunciation.
Then  the teacher projected a Story map about the text read, which includes story name, author, Setting (place, time) Main characters, beginning, middle, end.

A excellent
C Regular
F Failing

Dr. Cruz

Creative reading

Routine activity
Sentence correction.
After checking the corrections the teacher wrote on the digital document called "Paragraph construction Argumentative. Day 4", students collected all the sentences they had written on that  form and copy on a new document to have the complete essay. Then they did a peer reviewing  and peer editing with a new form. Students highlight the mistakes and type the suggestions. The owner of the text double check and finally correct it.

Websites for teachers

Here are some websites and tools I observed during the filed trip.


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